Where is Kim?

I'm here! In 2020 I was living in Sydney in the beachside suburb of Manly and alongside my husband Andy have converted a delivery van into a weekend getaway on wheels. I'd even come up with my own hashtag (not terribly unique) #advanture. But if you want to try and be an influvancer you need... Continue Reading →

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Flying Solo

If you've scrolled the site you would have read I started Branded Podcasts in 2016 with Steve Ahern. But in March 2021, I called him to see if he'd mind stepping aside so I could relaunch Branded Podcasts on my own. Wow! This business thing is hard. I usually prefer being told what to do... Continue Reading →

Why You’ll Love Tasmania

Once the butt of jokes from its mainland cousins, Tasmania is now a go-to destination with cool festivals headlined by international acts, historic cinemas with a modern twist, and nudity in public is legal once a year. Check out the article I wrote for World Nomads on my home state Tassie.

Thoughts On Travelling More Critically

One of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals is addressing climate change. I interviewed Alex North for the World Nomads Travel Podcast, she's not a climate scientist nor is she an activist. But she has done some research into why, for the globally minded individual, people are rejoicing the return of overnight sleepers on train rather... Continue Reading →

A Normal Day

Nicole White from The ID Crowd has been "gushing a little" lately and rightly so (#shesarockstar), but I am going to chime in as back up singer. Sydney has been a gift to me professionally and Nic has played a huge role in my experiences. Along with AIVL and CSIRO, The ID Crowd has been... Continue Reading →

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