Hands On SA – The Digital Story


Hands On SA is a Disability Service Provider, offering supported employment to people with a disability in Adelaide SA.

Branded Podcasts and The ID Crowd have worked alongside Hands On SA to help develop the model for this project in the form of this animation.

Hands On SA is a public not-for-profit organisation

Hand’s On SA’s digital story is an example of a not-for-profit sourcing creative digital ideas to use within their marketing.

Meantime a new report has been released today, The 2017 GiveEasy Innovation Index, suggesting the Australian-Not-For-Profit sector is indeed being more innovative than in previous years.

Jeremy Tobias, CEO of digital giving provider GiveEasy says, “NFPs are now morphing into digital businesses, as the analogue approach is slow and time-consuming. The digital economy speeds up the process of bringing new products to market, providing access to a wider donor community and new opportunities for collaboration. At GiveEasy, we are seeing the sector shift to digital giving,”

Top NFP innovators based on index scores (Top 4)

1. Cure Brain Cancer Foundation
2. Movember Foundation
3. Cerebral Palsy Alliance
4. Breast Cancer Network Australia

For more information on the report, click here.

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